Sunday, November 10, 2013

What's going on?

Everyday I see and talk to some really amazing people. I hear their struggles, and I hear their good times. I feel sad with them and I laugh with them. I'm so proud of everything these people have done. I'm so proud of everything everyone struggling in the world has done. It's a truly amazing feat just to live, and I'm so proud of those who are able to do it at all.

But everyday I also hear people talking trash about each other. I hear them whispering behind someone's back, and then acting all sweet to their face. I hear them yelling at each other, swearing, calling each other horrible things, to their face and online. And it pains me to see that happening to all of these really fantastic people.

Doing that kind of thing is so damaging to a person's mind, it's unreal. It's hard enough to live life, but it's even harder when it feels as if everyone is out to get you. If anyone hears horrible things about themselves enough, they're likely to think those things about themselves as well, eventually, unless they have very solid self-esteem.

Not only does this kind of abuse hurt the abused, but it hurts the abuser too. Lashing out generally means that he or she actually wants help but doesn't know what to do. And no one is going to help someone that keeps hurting them.

So I just don't know what's going on. No one wants to be hurt. Most people really want someone to help them. Everyone wants to be loved and cared for and everyone wants to belong. So why don't we all treat each other that way?

The golden rule "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is so simple. It shows up everywhere. It's in every religion I can think of. It's in every school modo I know, everyone uses it as their backup line. But we don't follow it.

Let's change that.

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