Friday, September 6, 2013

Drug Use and Alchoholism

You always hear people calling people who use drugs and/or alcohol stupid. It's like, because they use whatever substance they use, that makes them less of a person somehow. Like that's the biggest mistake a person could ever make.

Now listen. I'm not here recommending using drugs and/or alcohol. The very possible negative ramifications outnumber the temporary high you might feel. Putting any foreign substances into your body is rarely a good idea. I'm not stupid though. I know that a lot teenagers and adults use drugs and alcohol. As an adult, alcohol is legal. That doesn't make it less dangerous. It's addictive at any age. Drugs, of course, are always illegal. All I can ask is, if you are using drugs or alcohol, please be safe. Keep close tabs on your physiological and psychological health. If you need help, please ask for it.

I am here to defend those suffering with addiction. People use drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with the stresses of life. Whether they become addicted or not, there would be no use for recreational use if there was no stress in life. But when people become addicted, it is not because they're stupid. It's because they really think they need it. They can't handle life without it. It's the only thing that makes them feel good. Or even simply feel okay.

Addiction or substance dependence is a mental disorder. People are born with a certain predisposition toward addictive behavior. It isn't there fault. I'm not saying that is makes it okay. I'm not saying that they should keep going with the behavior because it's what they were born with. But it does make it a true battle they have to fight all the time. It's like any disorder in that it takes over their life completely. Through rehab and therapy they can get through it. But it is a serious problem. And the way you would treat anyone with any type of disorder is how you should treat someone with addiction.

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