Alright, so I'm coming back to this. Because society is just so damn frustrating. An ED is NOT simple to define. Bulimia isn't just "that one where someone throws up." Yeah, maybe they do. Or maybe they overexercise, maybe they use laxatives, etc. Anorexia isn't just "that one where they don't eat." It's more complicated that that.
And those aren't the only two disorders. There is EDNOS, eating disorder not otherwise specified, that is the most common of all disorders, that encompasses traits from many disorders and mixes them up. It is just as serious as every other ED. There is also Orthorexia, where someone is to the point of severe debilitating obsession over eating healthily. There is Binge Eating Disorder (BED) in which someone eats a lot without feel like they can stop. Binges may happen multiple times a day or a few times a weeks. Often the sufferer will not eat much in public but eat in private, or vice versa, and that is true of most eating disorder sufferers. They are not simple what so ever.
I've suffered with an eating disorder for a few years and I don't yet understand it. This is a complex disorder with many branches and many different ways of being debilitating. But it always is that way.
So when people say they "tried to be Anorexic" it makes me want to punch them in the uterus. Because you can't "try" to have a disorder. No one wants this. If you had it, you would not want it. It's awful. It's disgusting. It's painful. It ruins your life for the time you have it. Please don't joke about it. People die from this. And others severely suffer. Remember that before you speak.
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