Saturday, May 11, 2013

Eating Disorders

Let's start out with this one. This one, so close to my heart, that no one seems to understand. Here's how the dictionary defines it: Any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits (such as anorexia nervosa).

Pretty cut and dry. Like it's that simple to define. Yet, while defining it, they really say nothing about it. Because it isn't about the eating. That's just an after effect. An eating disorder is truly a disorder of the self esteem and of coping skills. It's similar to self injury, drug addiction, and alcoholism. It's a way to cope with the whirlwind that is life. Eating disorders come with a disgusting little voice in one's head, telling one nasty things about oneself. Believing it is natural, because it comes from one's own mind, right? Wrong. it comes from that nasty little Ed. He makes up awful things that make a person believe he/she/etc do not belong, they are not good enough, they need to be perfect, if they eat they are a failure, etc. It's so much more mental than physical. Coming from someone who has suffered from this disorder for years, I can tell you all it is so much more than just eating.

Also, let's get past that stereotypical white, upper class girl who just wants to get skinny. That is not the only person that has an eating disorder. I've never met anyone like that who has an eating disorder. It comes from deeper problems. And not just white girls get them. Not just upper class people get them. Black girls get them. Guys get them. People who are overweight can have eating disorders. You really can't tell. Everyone can get one. It isn't just teenagers either. I've met 11 year olds with severe disorders. I also have met people in their 40s, 50s, still dealing with it. There isn't a "type." There is just a disease. 

Here's how to help your loved one if they might have an eating disorder:

  • DO NOT comment on their appearance. At all. Maybe tell them they're beautiful. But that's it.
  • DO NOT pretend it's so simple to get over. Because it IS NOT.
  • DO NOT pretend nothing's wrong. Get the help. ASAP. 
  • DO tell them you love them.
  • DO respect that they will have slips, and help them get over them.
  • DO encourage them, but remember that this is their battle.
  • DO stay on their side, be there for whatever they need you for, listen to them when they say something. It IS a big deal. It IS difficult. 
Here's how to help yourself if you might have an eating disorder:
  • DO NOT believe Ed. He's stupid. You're beautiful.
  • DO NOT stay silent. You need help, and you deserve it.
  • DO NOT let others make you feel that you don't deserve help. You are worth while.
  • DO love yourself.
  • DO let yourself make mistakes, and recover from them.
  • DO stay positive, as much as you can.

This is a hell of a disorder to get over. But recovery is possible. Please get help.

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