Sunday, May 12, 2013


Let's talk about suicide. It's not a pleasant topic. Suicide is the worst coping skill there is, it is a last resort when someone thinks that it can never get better. It is a desperately sad thing, and an incredibly destructive event both the the person who commits and the people surrounding.

When someone succeeds it's completely awful, but it's just as awful when some one attempts, or even intends. It is the same mindset every time. It is a similar effect of everyone around that person as well. Because knowing that someone you love wants to die is the worst feeling ever. And knowing that you yourself want to die is just as awful, but for different reasons. For the former, it's awful because there isn't much you can do to make them know how much you love them, how much you care. For the latter, it's horrible because of all the feelings inside. The feeling that you hate yourself and your life so much that you just can't bear to live it anymore.

Suicide is not a joking matter. People say "ugh I'm going to kill myself" joking around, exaggerating, all the time. But there might be someone around that really, legitimately feels that way. Be careful in what you say, and always try to respect the people around you. This is a very serious matter.

Warning signs of Suicide:

    • Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself.
    • Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun.
    • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
    • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
    • Talking about being a burden to others.
    • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
    • Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
    • Sleeping too little or too much.
    • Withdrawn or feeling isolated.
    • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
    • Displaying extreme mood swings.
    • Preoccupation with death.
    • Suddenly happier, calmer.
    • Loss of interest in things one cares about.
    • Visiting or calling people to say goodbye.
    • Making arrangements; setting one's affairs in order.
    • Giving things away, such as prized possessions.

                                      If you or someone you know is suicidal, PLEASE get help. There is so much to live for. Talk to someone. Things WILL get better. 

                                      National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

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